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SAKSHAM Learning Management Information System by Union Health Ministry

Written by : Jayati Dubey

June 7, 2023

Category Img

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, has launched a digital learning initiative called SAKSHAM (Stimulating Advanced Knowledge for Sustainable Health Management).

SAKSHAM is an optimized learning management system that uses short courses created by national and international experts to help in enhancing domain-specific knowledge.

Healthcare workers and administrators can use SAKSHAM to obtain internationally relevant knowledgeable information at their own comfort and speed from anywhere across the nation without consuming the work hours. It is envisioned to be used for all mixed or blended learning programs in the future.

Objectives of SAKSHAM

  • Focused Learning for Healthcare Workers

Vision: To provide all healthcare professionals in the nation with world-class, easily accessible continuing education without interfering with regular services.

Mission: To provide standard training to healthcare professionals in all public and private care subsectors, from primary care centres in rural and remote areas to tertiary care and corporate hospitals in big cities.

  • Individualized and Online Training Programs

The portal will have subject based customized courses created in collaboration with global healthcare organizations like UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, and reputed public/global institutes, peer evaluated and endorsed by domain specialists from the concerned divisions, open for all healthcare workers in the country.

  • Integration with Training Management Information System (TMIS)

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's robust training information system will be integrated into this portal, and the on-site training data will be preserved alongside the portal-accessible sources. This will make it possible to access information about all of the country's health-related trainings from a single window.

Therefore, SAKSHAM will serve as:

  1. A single portal for health-related courses that are current, globally relevant, and driven by quality.
  2. A central repository for teaching and training materials.
  3. A facilitator for the healthcare sector's case-based learning.
  4. A nation-wide central database of trained healthcare professionals.

As of now, SAKSHAM learning management information system has more than 200 health-related courses online. Healthcare experts can enrol themselves for the pertinent courses through the gateway https://lmis.nihfw.ac.in/. They will likewise get a declaration in the form of a certificate after finishing the necessary evaluation standards and essential training.




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