Written by : Jayati Dubey
June 29, 2023
Radiology artificial intelligence company DeepTek.ai received 510(k) clearance, a US FDA approval, for clinical utilization of its AI-driven radiology workflow management platform, Augmento.
With its AI-powered Radiology Workflow Management Solution, Augmento, DeepTek.ai, a Pune-based startup in the field of radiology, has made significant progress. Their Augmento platform has achieved 510(k) clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use, making it a dependable choice for medical care suppliers all around the globe.
The Indian Radiological and Imaging Association (IRIA) published a report that stated that there is a serious shortage of radiologists in the country. The proportion of radiologists to the populace is only one for every one lakh individuals, altogether lower than the World Health Organization's suggested norm of one radiologist for each 10,000 individuals. This radiologist deficiency isn't just restricted to developing nations like India; indeed, even developed nations like the UK, Japan, and Singapore are dealing with this issue. The shortfall significantly affects the timely and accurate diagnosis of patients, leading to treatment delays, higher costs, and poor health outcomes.
DeepTek.ai's AI-Powered Augmento platform resolves this issue by introducing artificial intelligence in a responsible way for bringing revolutionary changes in the radiology workflows, efficiency, quality, and patient consideration. Augmento currently provides services to more than 350 Indian hospitals and imaging facilities, saving approximately 60,000 lives each month. It is also used in a number of countries in the APAC region, including key hospitals in Singapore that have adopted it as part of the National AI strategy.